Links & Contacts

Mediation, Counselling and Education Services

Relationships Australia

Relationships Australia assists families in a variety of ways, including mediation, education, and counselling. Relationships Australia also has a Children’s Contact Centre, to assist separated families with changeovers to allow children to transition smoothly from one household to another, and to facilitate supervised visitation pursuant to an agreement or Court Order.

Address: 745 Thuringowa Drive, Thuringowa Central QLD 4817
Phone: 1300 364 277


Centacare provides a number of services for families, including mediation, education and counselling. Mediation for both parenting and property matters is offered through their Family Relationships Centre.

Address: 410 Ross River Road, Cranbrook QLD 4814
Phone: (07) 4772 9000

North Queensland Domestic Violence Resource Service

The North Queensland Domestic Violence Resource Service provides direct support and services for victims of domestic violence, servicing both Townsville and Mt Isa. The Service also provides training programs and co-ordinates domestic and family violence responses to actively promote and enhance the safety of those involved in domestic and family violence.

Address: Mezanine Floor, Metway Arcade, 390 Flinders Street, Townsville QLD 4810
Postal: NQDVRS PO Box 6061, Townsville QLD 4810
Phone: (07) 4721 2888
Fax: (07) 4721 1794

Legal Assistance

Legal Aid Queensland (Townsville Office)

Legal Aid aims to provide legal assistance to financially disadvantaged individuals. To be eligible for Legal Aid, you must meet both the means and merit tests. Further details are available on the Legal Aid website (listed below).

Address: 3rd floor, Northtown, 280 Flinders Street, Townsville QLD 4810
Postal: PO Box 1337, Townsville QLD 4810
Phone: (07) 4613 7300
Fax: (07) 4760 7356

Townsville Community Legal Service

Townsville Community Legal Service is a non-profit community legal centre that provides legal advice and assistance to the Townsville and surrounding communities.

Address: Unit 2/81 Sturt Street, Townsville QLD 4810
Postal: PO Box 807, Townsville QLD 4810
Phone: (07) 4721 5511
Fax: (07) 4721 5499

North Queensland Women's Legal Service

North Queensland Women’s Legal Serice is a free legal service run by women, for women. NQ Women’s services North Queensland communities from Sarina in the south, to Torres Strait in the north and west out to the Northern Territory border.

Address: Ground Floor, 42 Sturt Street, Townsville QLD 4810
Postal: PO Box 2209, Townsville QLD 4810
Phone: (07) 4772 5400
Fax: (07) 4772 5315

Courts and Agencies

Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia

The Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (FCFCOA) is the court that deals with family law litigation in Australia. We strongly recommend watching the video entitled “You can separate smarter” on the Court’s YouTube channel.

Address (Townsville Registry): Level 2, 143 Walker Street, Townsville QLD 4810
Postal (Townsville Registry): PO Box 9991, Townsville QLD 4810
Phone: 1300 352 000

Magistrates Court of Queensland - Specialist Domestic Violence Court (Townsville Registry)

The Magistrates Court of Queensland has a specialist domestic violence court that deals with matters related to Protection Orders, also known as DVOs. This includes both civil matters (i.e. applications for Protection Orders or to vary Protection Orders) and criminal matters (i.e. breaches of Protection Orders). Please be aware that our Solicitors can represent you if you would like to apply for a Protection Order, or have a current Order varied, but we cannot assist you with criminal matters if you are charged with breaching a Protection Order.

Address: 31 Walker Street, Townsville QLD 4810
Postal: PO Box 985, Townsville QLD 4810
Phone: (07) 4781 8600
Fax: (07) 4781 8636
Email: and

Child Support Agency

Child Support is dealt with by the Child Support Agency, which forms part of the federal government’s Department of Human Services. You may particularly find the Child Support Estimator on their website useful.

Postal: GPO Box 9815, Melbourne VIC 3001
131 272 or 1800 241 272
Fax: 1300 309 949